Two elderly women are walking down the street smoking cigarettes and it begins to rain.
One of the elderly ladies put her cigarette out and the other woman goes into her purse and pulls out a c0ndom and a pair of scissors.
She unwraps the condom and cuts it in half with the scissors.
She takes the closed end of it, places it over her cigarette to stay dry and continues smoking.
The woman is curious and says to her friend,
“What are you doing?” Her friend says back to her,
“What’s it look like? I’m smoking.”
The woman is impressed with this and decides to try the same thing, so she goes to her local drug store the next day.
At the drug store, she goes up to the attendant and says that she would like two-dozen c0ndoms.
The attendant asks her,
“Is there a brand you prefer?”
The woman says,
“Eh, I don’t care about a brand as long as it fits on a Camel.”
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