A Man Is Trying To Sell His Dog.

This Is Hilarious.

A man is trying to sell his dog to a neighbor…

“You can have this dog for only five dollars, and he can actually talk.” says the man.

His neighbor says,

“That’s ridiculous, everyone knows dogs can’t speak.”

The dog looks up at the neighbor with big, sad, doggy eyes and says,

“Oh please, kind sir, buy me so I won’t have to live with my cruel master. He won’t feed me or bathe me, and he never takes me out for walks. I was once the most richest dog in the whole world. I’ve played several roles in award-winning movies. I’ve spoken to kings, queens, and presidents. I fought in the war and got several medals. I even got to travel to the moon.”

“Hey, he can talk!” says the neighbor in amazement.

“But why are you offering him for just five dollars?” he asks the owner.

“Because” snarls the man,

“I’m sick of him always lying!”