A Cattle Rancher Walks Into A Bar.

This Will Blow Your Mind.

A cattle rancher walks into a bar…

He walks up and orders a strong drink,

“herding cattle is tough work!”

The bartender nods.

In walks a middle-aged woman, who orders two strong drinks,

“Cattle? Try herding cats! I’ve got eight of them!”

The bartender raises an eyebrow, but nods.

Then comes a preschool teacher, visibly worn out, and asks for three shots,

“Eight cats? Try corralling a class of snotty little br@@@ts!”

The bartender sighs, nods, and as he’s fixing the drinks, all four hear a loud THUMP THUMP THUMP of banging on the bar’s window, followed by a muffled

“**YOU Dmmnn MORONS!!!**”