Humans land on mars only to make a strange discovery

This is Funny!

Humans land on mars only to make a strange discovery a small black safe. On it is written “the key is somewhere on earth, to find it, your people will have to work together.” The intergalactic council watchers as the humans return to their ship and to earth.

The intergalactic council has done this test with billions of alien societies on their first interplanetary ship to see if they can turn the inherently violent nature of life into something more refined. “How fast do you think the evolved apes will take to find out the key?”

One asked. “I’d say, based off the Intelligence readings and their current global occupation it should take 9 years. Perhaps lon-” a small ship is seen entering the mars atmosphere. “Impossible. Nothing can find the key that fast” the small ship lands. “Hey guys this is the LockPickingLawye-“