While on the way back from school

This is Funny!

While on the way back from school a grandson asked his grandpa a question: “Hey Grandpa, what is the difference between a wife and a girlfriend?” Grandpa thought for a moment and then offered a simple explanation:

“Listen, son. A wife is like a TV, and a girlfriend is like a mobile phone. At home, you watch TV, but when you go out, you take your mobile. Sometimes, you enjoy watching TV, but most of the time, you’re busy with your mobile. TV is pretty much free for life, but with a mobile, if you don’t pay, the service will be cut off.

TV is big, bulky, and often older, but the mobile is slim, curvy, cute, replaceable, and portable. The operational costs for a TV are usually manageable, but with a mobile, they tend to be higher and more demanding. The TV comes with a remote control, but a mobile doesn’t.

Most importantly, a mobile allows two-way communication—you can talk and listen. But with the TV, you can only listen, whether you like it or not. Finally, TVs are more reliable because they don’t get viruses, but mobiles often do. Plus, mobiles can be easily hacked or stolen. So, I suggest sticking with the TV.”